Mental Game Virtual Clinic (Free for Members)

Status: Finalized
Field Value
Title Mental Game Virtual Clinic (Free for Members)
Requestor JR Raymond
Type Virtual
Date 01/30/2025
Duration 1 hours
Slots 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM
Topics Mental Game
Comments Here we'll discuss one of the underrated parts of the game that can really separate the amateurs from the pros: the mental game. It is a vital component that complements the physical game. Join this clinic and we'll make you mentally sharp on the lanes!
Name Phone Number Slot Time Registered Comments


Average Rating: 4.50/5 (2 ratings)
Kevin Mahoney Sr.
I enjoyed the structure starting with the slide deck, and then going into open forum with examples of mental game situations.
Oba Ashaloma
Mostly wanted to thank everyone for the welcome and sharing yah'll time and insights. I am very amateur actually terrible bowler, but I love this craft and game of bowling. I grew up in midwest and learned to love it at the VFW with my gramps and the other vets. Life took me away from it and recently finding my way back to it. I especially wanted to appreciate Brother JR for for the tips and taking out the time from the touring and the shop to embrace a nobody like myself and helping me try to reinvent my approach to this bowling life. That is the pedigree of champions and just genuinely good people do and it seems we are thin company these days so it means that much more. That commoroderie is one of the best aspects of the bowling community at large.and we should alll be working as stewards to keep us alive and thriving! BTW I bought the subscription buddy, these aint just lofty words. Sincerity in motion here, Big Things in 2025 for you kiddo...Have a roll!!!