The PBA is boring? Or is it?

What can change to make it better
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What's happening y'all? today I want to talk to you about two ways the PBA can improve its telecast. We want to figure out how exactly the PBA can increase its viewership and how we can honestly get new viewers to pay attention to the PBA. But before I do that, I want you guys to hit that subscribe button, click the notification Bell and make sure to like the video and share it with all your friends. there's going to be a little debate on this. Some people may not like this some people might, but the two things there are two things that I think can improve. There are many things I think can improve, but in this video alone, we're going to focus on just the two things I think need to improve to gain new viewership.  the first thing I think the PBA can do is get the ball reps more involved. We need to get them mic'd up and have them chime in in between frames.

not every frame, but I think if some of the guys were mic'd up to where Randy or the other commentator can talk to the ball rep, then we can get some information on what's going through the bowler's head what kind of bowling balls they're using, the layouts that they're using. just to get a little bit more details into the actual game. to give people a little bit more information on what these professionals are doing because it's not just like it seems. like too many times, they just talk about the ball, and they don't talk about the things that are making that ball do what it does. you know, There are not enough times with Clips. This is the other portion; this is number two. There are not enough educational clips. the few things that I did like was when Randy would make the comparison of pattern versus house pattern like when he did the badger versus the house pattern, he threw one shot on the badger where the ball hit the six pin in the face, and then he threw another shot on a house shot that actually hooked, or it was vice versa. Still, either way, stuff like that gives people a little bit more of an inside look at how things truly are and can educate the viewers just a little bit more.

so I think we need to have more educational Clips. maybe the ball companies can create these small little 5-second clips that when Randy goes in and is like, all right, you know AJ Johnson's using a black venom, all of a sudden a clip shows up that pops up the Black Venom and gives you the details on the ball up in the upper corner or something. and I understand this is more editing than those guys would have to do, but honestly, these little things would be great. or an image of AJ's ball with the layout on it. maybe we can talk about their paps, you know, their natural rev rates there tilt, you know, stuff like that. and I understand they only have so much time to talk about these things, but we're just talking about, you know if you watch these shows you'll notice a lot of dead air in between comments and stuff. and there are times when they're trying to be quiet for shots and all that, and I get it. Still, there are times when you can insert these five-second clips that talk about the bowling balls, the lane patterns, and just stuff like that.

So honestly, just to make this video short, I think we can just keep inserting little educational-type things. Things that help other Bowlers. help people understand what's truly going on because when people click, and they just go on the TV, and they see bowling, most people still only think that it's just throwing a round object at some bowling pins that are, you know, they don't even know how far away they are they're just situations that you always have to talk about the educational aspects of the game you know. talk about how these Lane patterns just they're not what you're used to seeing when you're in League; this isn't it like you may average 230 in the league, but you're going to have 170 at best here, and you just need to educate people on to why the PBA tour is different, and maybe that won't make it exciting.

we can talk about what can make the game a little bit more exciting for TV viewers, but this is the first step. I think that would have to happen is just finding a way to insert more education. Randy is a very knowledgeable bowler. He knows about all this stuff, and I'm unsure if he's just afraid to talk about it because he doesn't want to be wrong about something. Still, dang it, if I was on that telecast and I was in there, you would probably have to get me to shut up because I would be constantly talking about every little detail that's going on. I would be talking about the little moves, the micro moves, the managing the mental game, all of that stuff through, you know, just like every time I've ever been on extra frame or any of the live streams, I'm always going into detail about certain things that people are doing or things that I heard them say you know. The whole point of them having these interviews with these guys is to be able to bring up a lot of that stuff, and you only hear them bring a few things into it, you know. you want to make this all about the bowler’s skill.

You know you want to talk about the bowler’s skill as much as possible. I mean, he can sit there and say that every guy is the nicest guy he's ever met, but that doesn't matter to most people. we don't care if they're nice people. We want to know why they are more skilled than the average bowler and League. What do they do that's so much different from Joe Schmo, which averages 230 in League? we need to know these things. so let me know what you think needs to happen in the comments below. but these are the two things that I think need to be inserted: the ball reps getting more involved in mic'd up and talking every three or four frames with the announcers, and then we need more educational Clips. so let me know what you think down below. I'm getting out of here. I appreciate you all watching. Make sure to share, subscribe, Like, and comment on all that good stuff. I'm getting out of here. We’ll see you guys later. Take care

Watch the Video I made on this here 

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